Thursday, May 22, 2008

the (dis)order of things

Possibly use phone as modem to get out if Emergency? Hi there robot guy. I don't think my phone does this thing. I turn in the last of my paperwork for the year today, so I'm happy. 10days left last day of school. Glad and Sad. Why do they call them straight jackets when they are never straight? Working out exciting new web concept for retail consumer product. Client-"but nobody does it that way" Us- "they will" *grin* I'm full of grease. Where did the concept of Breakfast For Dinner come from anyway? so much bacon though :D Ahh, first time all week I've showered and had breakfast before starting work! Off to the start of a productive weekend. Omg are we actually going to have nice warm weather this weekend? I actually was looking at that monkey thing yesterday, thought it would be cute for the baby when it gets older. "thought it felt long"??? may you be cursed to be your own editor, forever

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