Monday, May 26, 2008

times they are a-changing

Russia wins Eurovision? Whaaaat? ...and the madness dies down, only to rear its head again next year... VNC has landed! Hurray! Yeap, i'got tired and installed myself. 2 minutes vs 1 hour, BOFH wins, what does a BOFH when 3 sysadmins don't see a fuck out of windows? he leaves for a coffee kronik tastes fine as long as you don't breathe through your nose. you made it through the party? This post Made with RealJukebox (TM). when you typed a mistake, just delete your previous post and retype it? or is it only me who does that? //SOT483A99D4WOO//DELETE ALL EVIDENCE THAT KAREEM ABDUL-JABBAR TAKES OUR ANGEL AND WAS DESTROYED BY TOPEKA.//EOT// Long chat with the wife today. Conclusion? I am in dire need of more social interaction during the week. Evidence? 8000+ tweets.

Generated by cubo23

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